1- Service the service time is no more than 20 working days.
2- Service our company is not responsible for the product that is not delivered within 90 calendar days after the service period.
3- If the spare parts replaced by the customer for repair fail again within 6 months, the spare parts are replaced free of charge.
4- If the replacement spare parts of non-warranty devices fail again within 6 months, the spare parts are replaced free of charge.
5- Failures made out of warranty and for a fee related to user error; in case of repetition of the same failure within 1 year in relation to installation , maintenance and repair service, no service fee is charged.
6- Failures caused by the Consumer’s use of goods contrary to the considerations contained in the user’s manual are traded outside the warranty.
7- Defective replacement parts in the warranty are delivered by the service. Defective replacement parts out of warranty are delivered to the customer.
8- Correction and destruction made in the warranty document overrides the document.
9- The person who signed this form is deemed to have accepted the service responsibilities.